Even in the wealthiest county in the country, many residents live on the edge and seek help just to survive: parents with low incomes, single parents, children, veterans, disabled persons, people experiencing homelessness, the elderly. Roughly 95% of Loudoun Cares clients fall at or below 70% of the Area Median Income level and 50% of these are experiencing poverty. Its ConnectLine links them to nonprofits and agencies that assist with basic needs like food, clothing, diapers, rent/utility assistance, job services, and ESL classes. Since the start of the pandemic, Loudoun Cares has served over 7,460 residents, nearly half of them children. Meanwhile, the Volunteer Center matches individuals and businesses that want to help (2,500 volunteers in the last two years) with 240+ registered nonprofits. Loudoun Cares works at both ends of the spectrum – connecting those in need with those who can offer support.
Information coming soon
Awards & Recognition
- No stories found
Budget (FY2023)
- $3 million or higher
- $1 million to $3 million
- $500k to $1 million
- The current budget for Loudoun Cares is: Less than $500k
Catalogue charities range in size from $100,000 to
About Spur Local
Each year 150+ community advocates review applicants on the basis of governance, equity, and impact. Each featured nonprofit has been successfully site visited and its financials given the thumbs up. Spur Local charges no fees and raises funds separately to support its work. Since 2003, it has raised over $57 million for nonprofits across the Greater Washington region.
Spur Local looks to friends like you to keep our services independent and entirely free of charge. Consider a small contribution to Spur Local to cap off your gift and help the causes you care about get the full support they deserve!