A vital, creative community is vital to the fabric of DC, but the high cost of tuition and materials puts the arts out of reach for far too many children, teens, and young adults. Sitar offers more than a world-class, multidisciplinary arts education. It is also a home where DC youth, many of whom grow up at Sitar, begin a lifelong journey of artistic- and self-exploration. Babies and toddlers discover their confidence through multigenerational arts classes; older children engage in after-school music, visual arts, dance, theater, and digital arts; teens and young adults hone their skills through internships, leadership development, and a new, year-round, arts-based career training program. Innovative partnerships make long-term pathways in the arts possible for 900 students annually, 80% of whom come from households with low incomes. The next generation, and our local creative economy, thrive with allies like you.
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