General Information

  • Volunteer Opportunities / Responsibilities: Mentor with Spark with the Journey! Pass along your knowledge and skills to a D.C. student! We're always looking for mentors with diverse backgrounds, professions, and interests to match with our students. Apply to mentor today!

    Mentors of color are strongly encouraged to apply.


    21 years old or older
    Associate degree, technical degree, or higher
    DMV metropolitan resident

    Flexible Mentoring Schedule - High School

    1-year time commitment
    Call/text/email your mentee 1x a week
    Meet with your mentee virtually or in-person 1x a month
    Communicate with Spark staff 2x a month

    Flexible Mentoring Schedule - Year Up

    6-month time commitment
    Meet with your mentee virtually or in-person 1x a month
    Attend bi-monthly workshops

    Additional Benefits

    Network with other mentors and build a shared community
    Ongoing training
    Community events
    Increase opportunity and economic mobility for our young people

    Ready to join?
    Complete the mentor application at
  • Types of Volunteers Needed: individual/adult; adult groups of less than 5; adult groups of 6 or more, including corporate teams
  • Hours Needed: business hours during the week; evenings during the week; daytime on the weekend